Rhinoplasty in Tunisia

(+216) 26 772 072

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, also called nose job, is a plastic surgery operation used to reshape the nose. The objective is to harmonize the nose with the rest of the face. This usually involves refining the nose, removing a bump, irregularities, or raising the nose.

Our rhinoplasty specialist plastic surgeons tend to favour natural aspects. Their main target is to harmonize the face features without changing totally. In most cases they manage to avoid visible scars by opting for a closed rhinoplasty technique.

How is rhinoplasty procedure performed?

During a rhinoplasty procedure, incisions are made inside the nostrils or at the base of the nose. Cartilage, bones and soft tissues are then carved into their new shape. This takes about one to three hours, a splint is then installed on the nose to maintain the corrected form.

What are the postoperative actions?

The stitches last about a week. Ice and prescription drugs help reduce swelling and discomfort. During the first few days, sometimes bleeding occurs. Most of the swelling resolves within two to three weeks. Most patients are back to work after two weeks and their activities within a month.

What are results after a rhinoplasty?

A more attractive nose chich is more proportional with the rest of the face. The results may be optimized by properly following post-operative instructions. The functional aspects of the nose may be affaected positively with a rhinoplasty procedure. Patients have to discuss this aspect with the surgeon before the plastic surgery.

Are there potential complications?

When rhinoplasty is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, complications are rare and generally low. However, there is always a possibility of complications, including bleeding, rupture of small blood vessels, or numbness areas. It is important to keep in touch with the surgeon directly or through the agents to ask him for advice if anything happens to the nose after the surgery.